
Wednesday 30 May 2012

The Rhubarb reaches new heights

You all know how fascinated by Rhubarb I am! I am avidly following the growth of the flower stalk on one of my plants. It is now about 4 feet tall

As you can see, I don't have a huge amount of Rhubarb (two crowns), so I have to squeeze the maximum value out of it - and that includes the photogenic potential of this flower stalk! I was tempted to remove it, as I have done in the past, but this year I thought it would be interesting to leave it to develop fully and see what the mature flower is like.

The flower stalk has a large number of tiny buds on it, which I think will eventually open out into cream-coloured flowers. It could turn out to be very attractive.

Now here's a thought: next time you go to visit your Granny, don't take her a bunch of Gladdies, take her a bunch of Rhubarb flowers! As long as she owns a tall vase...


  1. I've got one that I kept trying to pull off the flower stalks. But the plant was having none of that. It just kept putting them out until it succeeded.

  2. Wow. I hope mine makes a flower, I've never seen it. Can't wait to see what it looks like! I've got two crowns too so you never know.

  3. You know, now that you show the flower stalk from far away, it looks familiar. Ours at my grandmother's house must have flowered from time to time. It doesn't exactly bring back any memories but it is familiar, if that make sense.

  4. Very interesting!
    Happy gardening!
    Lea's Menagerie

  5. Rhubarb flowers can be very attractive - there are ornamental varieties. Some of our rhubarb buds are more pinkish.

  6. Not sure why, but this year my rhubarb plants have continually tried to flower. Can only imagine our strange weather has set them into survival mode. Mo and Steve of 'A small holding' did a similar thing last year, leaving their rhubarb to flower and set seed. It thrives this year.

  7. As you know I enjoy seeing veg plants flower. I see it as part of the whole learning process around veg. The rhubarb looks like it will produce a nice flowers. One of the garden programmes I watch said don't let rhubarb flower as it takes too much energy from the plant. However, suppose you can always feed and mulch and it should be fine next year. At the minute, I have rocket flowering which is interesting. Some leek will be flowering soon as well.

  8. My plot neighbour's rhubarb flowers every year. He just leaves the flowers be and it doesn't seem to drain the plant of energy, it's a hugely productive patch of rhubarb. I wonder why so many plants are flowering this year, perhaps it's down to the weather.

  9. I did not know that rhubarb has flowers! Very pretty.

  10. Spectacular! I look forward to seeing the full bloom!


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