
Wednesday 21 March 2012

Spotlight on Polyanthus

The other day I bought a tray of six Polyanthus plants from my local Garden Centre, in an attempt to add some instant colour to my rather drab End-of-Winter garden. They have served this purpose admirably, so I thought I would repay them by putting them in the spotlight for a day, on my blog.

The Polyanthus is in the Primula family, closely related to the Primrose. But whereas the Primrose has one flower per delicate stem, the flowers of Polyanthus are borne in clusters at the end of a much thicker stem. (You would guess this if you knew that "Poly" means "many" in Greek).



Whilst I have to say that I prefer the understated elegance of the cream-coloured species Primrose, there is no doubting that the brash exuberance of the Polyanthus will brighten up any dull spot in the garden. Here in England they are often used - very effectively - en masse, by local Councils to bring colour to municipal parks, traffic islands, roundabouts etc.

In theory, the Primula family prefers dappled shade / partial sunlight, but they seem to me to be pretty tolerant of most soil and sun conditions.

My six plants were in a mixture of colours. One of them has yet to flower, but the other five are all different. Here are some photos of them:

I think I like best the dark red one. Which is your favourite?


  1. I too prefer the native primrose, but the colourful ones are great for adding a big splash of colour in the garden.

  2. They are all lovely colours - each time I look I think a different colour is my favourite!

  3. Your polyanthus photos are just stunning! My favorite is the blue one!

  4. I'm usually a sucker for blue, but I like your red one too.

  5. They are very nice. Here they aren't used as much as the cheaper flowers, marigold, petunia, dianthus, impatiens.
    I bought several packets of flower seeds the other day to put on the borders of my raised beds.

  6. Well that's certainly a splash of colour!
    I couldn't possibly favour one against the other, especially when they are all trying so hard to outshine one another on their big day in blogdom! ;D

  7. I have to say I Love the yellow because in England (when I lived there) always stood out on a dull day. And they actually have a great smell while the others don't. Lovely photos

  8. I have to say I've always struggled to like polyanthus - don't know why. Your photos look good though.

  9. I have been seeing lots of the natives on roadsides here, I do like their colour but yours are very cheerful and I would like some of those too.

  10. I also get a glow when I suddenly come across a bank of wild primrose in one of the country lanes. Only this morning there was a clump by a hedge which I’ve never seen before. Just a quick sight as I drove by on the way to work was enough to raise the spirits...

    And Polyanthus in the garden again just makes you happy with their cheery bright flowers!

  11. Such beautiful flowers! Very cheerful looking! I love the purple/ blue ones..

  12. I love all of them. Such beautiful flowers. Don't know if we have them in my country, but I've never seen them I think.

  13. Can't believe I missed a rare post about flowers - all absolutely gorgeous!


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