
Thursday 9 February 2012

"Proper" snow

The snow we had last week was pathetic. Last night we had a proper snowfall. We had this much snow:

Or this much:

Or this much:

Snow certainly looks pretty. This is the scene in my garden at about 0800:

The trouble is, it can make a mess of one's plans. I had arranged to have my hedge trimmed and my Crab-Apple tree pruned today, but it didn't happen...

Still, I made the most of the situation and took a few more photos.




Netted Brassicas

Sorbet de Creme de Cassis???

Here in Fleet we seem to be getting off quite lightly again, because for most of the day the temperature has been above zero, and a lot of the snow has melted already. I still don't expect to be doing much gardening this weekend though.


  1. We had snow again too but not quite so much or for so long and most of it has melted away, except for the bit of driveway that I want cleared to get my car out. Maybe tomorrow...

  2. Great photos. I love the one of the berries and its interesting how the snow has fallen on the netted portion!

  3. The bay tree always looks gorgeous in the snow/frost.


  4. Aha! You finally got it! We still freeze on deep minus (yesterday morning was - 22°C) but snow stopped falling.

  5. Hope what ever is under the cloches is ok. We still haven't had snow and I DON'T want it!!! It looks pretty and makes for lovely pictures but really I DON'T want it. The ice was awful here today - is snow worse than ice? I don't know.

  6. The bay looks so pretty covered in snow. We had another snow fall yesterday. It's quite lethal now as the snow we had last week hadn't melted so the new snow is on top of compacted icy snow, very slippy.

  7. I have so much garden envy after looking at the photos of your lovely plot! So neat and tidy and productive - I can't wait to have a garden of my own right outside my back door!

    We got a bay tree for Christmas and the guidelines said to protect it from hard frosts, so we have it all wrapped up in fleece at the moment. Is it really okay unprotected all winter?

  8. I've looked outside but we didn't get any snow :(
    I think we might have a while to wait for it to land here!

    Your garden looks so still and peaceful, but we all know what lies beneath that white blanket...just waiting to burst forth. Just be patient ;D
    Have a cosy weekend.

  9. I do love snow...occasionally...your garden looks beautiful.

  10. The garden looks cool, even under all that snow.

  11. Nome et al; I'm leaving my Bay trees outside mainly because they are too heavy to move. I did once try protecting them with fleece, but it did more harm than good. The humid atmosphere created by it promoted fungal growth and the trees lost a lot of leaves. Shelter from very cold wind is desirable too.

  12. Minus twelve last night. The snow is so thick it's luscious!!

  13. Hahaha I love your cassis sorbet, also I love that plant. I always see it and want to get one because they look so pretty. Your vegetable garden makes me sick with jealousy. I can only hope one day I'll have as much as you.
    In answer to your sloe question...I don't want to think about what I'll do with them but I might put them in the compost. Not sure what alcohol will do to the rotting vegetation though!

  14. Sorbet de Creme Cassis, Oui! LOVELY photos and yes, that is indeed SNOW on a deep and large scale!

  15. A nice little dusting for you. We've had a mild winter. I'm a bit concerned about moisture levels here. The photos are, as always, lovley.

  16. Beautiful pictures. Your Bay leaf picture and the last one are so pretty. Above Zero or Below Zero temperatures. Oooh, I wouldn't know what to do in such weather. I hope all your plants are ok.


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