
Monday 30 January 2012

The last of the Parsnips

The other day I wrote (here) about the fact that my parsnips were beginning to re-sprout. I subsequently decided that I should dig them up, influenced by the fact that I shall need the space soon for Spring sowings (which this year will be possible a little earlier than in previous years, since I now have some cloches). Incidentally I recently acquired a fourth one of those Parasene "Longrow" cloches, so I now have enough to cover one complete raised bed.

This was the yield from the last part of my double row of parsnips and Hamburg parsley:

Although there were 14 parsnips (weighing a total of 700g),  they were mostly very small. Only three or four were of a respectable size. You can judge their size by looking at the garden fork at the top of the first photo.

But if the Parsnips have yielded well this year, the Hamburg parsley has been disappointing. Although these last few are the biggest of the ones I grew, none of them are even as big as the smallest of the parsnips. I think I'll just save the best half dozen or so and use them for flavouring a stew or some stock. I will not be growing Hamburg parsley again.

One of the parsnips did provide a little bit of amusement....

An ice-skater who has tried an over-ambitious pirouette, maybe?


  1. Love the last photo. Some year I'm going to finally grow parsnips. I haven't yet. I never tried at my last garden because I could barely get carrots to grow in my heavy clay soil. But here I have good soil down about 16". After that they will be stopped dead in their tracks, but 16" is pretty good.

  2. Your twisted parsnip reminds me of the crazy carrots I had as a late harvest last year - great fun! I hadn't heard of Hamburg Parsley and had to look it up; if it worked it would be a great space saver but I think I'll stick to normal parsley! Still, you learn something new every day!!

  3. I think that parsnip is busting for the toilet!

  4. We have a few parsnips still clinging on and I'll be sowing the next batch in a couple of weeks time!

  5. That last one did make me giggle...

  6. Ah the twizzled ice skater parsnip! I believe that you can freeze Hamburg Parsley roots and use them for flavouring soups, casseroles and gravies.

  7. Jealous. I need to get mine out, I've been ignoring them! Didn't know they could resprout though! You should be very proud and even more so of your cheeky parsnip.

  8. Well, you are still harvesting something and that is pretty good in my book.

  9. I should get around to grow some parsnips too. Yours, however small they might be, are inspiring.

  10. I love real have to love the fact that everyone of them is a bit different...unlike any store bought produce.

  11. I thought a very demure lady circa 1950 on her first date with a new beau and worried that the chaperone wasn't up to much....

  12. What will you do with the parsnips now that they're out of the ground? I've kept some in the fridge before, but they don't seem to last very well so I just dig them up as I need them now. Perhaps they should be kept out of the fridge?

  13. i've just made the most divine Curried Parsnip Soup... so so good... will post it on the blog this week some time... I adore parsnips... and keep mine out of the fridge!

  14. Those parsnips definitely have some character!

  15. I pulled the last of my parsnips this past weekend as well. Have not used them yet, but will in the next day or two. You got a good last harvest from them. The smaller ones do add up to make for some good eating.

  16. How wonderful to be pulling veg at this time! I'm going with Liz's choice.

  17. Or a ballet dancer , or someone urgently needed to go somewhere!

    We need to get to the plot to refresh our vegetable stocks!

  18. The parsnip look good. If only they matured faster! I think i prefer carrots only because they grow faster.

  19. I have a few puny parsnips and carrots left, but I'm holding off until they look like they are going to grow and bolt or I need the space...

  20. I took a look at the cloches you mentioned — you have the best gardening gear over there!

  21. I do love the last parsnip. I must confess that I have never eaten one much less grown on.

  22. I'm with Stacy, that baby has really got to go, near to bursting! LOL


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