
Tuesday 17 January 2012

Fantasy Fungi

Fungi are always fascinating, and sometimes sinister, but I've taken some of my fungi photos and tried to transform them into works of art. I'll show you both Before and After versions.

A patch of grey-green lichen on a paving-slab

The same lichen transformed...

Unidentified fungus - Before

Unidentified fungus - After

Earth Star - Before

Earth Star - After

Shaggy Ink Cap - Before

Shaggy Ink Cap - After

A cluster of "Little Brown Jobs" - Before

The same cluster - After

 So what do you think? (Is it just me that sees chocolate sauce adorning the Shaggy Ink Cap???)


  1. I'd like the white one turn in a blue one great!!

  2. Fascinating and great editing....the last two photos I absolutely love!

  3. It looks like the Shaggy Ink Cap is lightly covered with caramel to me. Those pictures would make GREAT "green" day-glo posters for a black light! Very nice work!

  4. Very interesting and artistic, Mark!

  5. Oh are really suffering from a bad case of the 'Winter Lock-ins' aren't you? Roll on Spring so that you can get back to gardening. LOL

  6. You ask so . . . I really do like the original pictures best. Maybe I'm the wrong audience. Do you know Adrian's Images? Adrian travels round Britain showing wonderful photographs of the countryside and birds but he also has a particular interest in adapting photographs.

  7. Hmm...think you need to get out more Mark...or maybe just a good chunk of chocolate's needed!
    I have to admit I'm with Lucy on this one...I like the original photo's best ~ sorry, I don't want to upset you. But then you've had fun no doubt :D

  8. I reckon you are just a frustrated abstract artist - surprised you can still find fungi I would have thought the frost had finished them off.

  9. Eat your heart out Hockney - I'm really itching to join in! I don't want to be picky but isn't the first photo a lichen (That's a fib of course I want to be picky!)

  10. I was going to say that I think 'Shaggy Ink cap - After' may well be aptly named....but I am a grown woman who will not sink to the level of smutty innuendo....

  11. I find fungi fascinating without enhancements, but I do like the unidentified fungus after shot.

  12. A bit psychedelic eh? Reminds me of university!

  13. Great edits. I am a boring person, and think nature still does it best. I really like your before pics, they are beautiful art.

  14. They look like works of art indeed! About your question on my blog, I looked up the collective noun for pelicans. There were two words in fact...scoop and pod. I liked the former!:)

  15. Love the transformations... psychedelic was my first association too.

  16. I LOVE these photo posts of yours! I can tell it's Winter in the UK now...not much gardening but a whole load of Picniking!!! lol x


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