
Saturday 31 December 2011

Sunset Boulevard

Well, not exactly... This post shows some sunset pictures taken in our road in Fleet at about 4 p.m. on one of the last days of 2011.

In the first photo the sun is just dipping below the horizon, like a splash of molten gold...

A few minutes later the sky begins to turn a subtle shade of pink...

The pink colour gets darker by the minute. There's a bright circular hole in the clouds which adds more drama to the scene... "Red sky at night, shepherd's delight" - so it should be a brilliant day tomorrow, then.

As the best colours disappear behind the house at the other side of the street, I rush indoors and dangle out of the bedroom window to get a better view. In the foreground are the nearly bare branches of my Crab Apple tree. Just a few shrivelled-up fruits remain...

An hour later, looking down the road in the opposite direction...

'Night 'Night, Fleet...

So, as the sun sets for the last time in 2011, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all my readers a Happy New Year. As a gardener, I can only hope that 2012 is a more "normal" year than 2011, and as a member of the Human Race I hope that we can all soon get our act together in terms of saving our precious environment from the rapacious depredations of "Economic Progress" !


  1. Happy New Year Mark! It's been a delight to follow along with your gardening adventures!

  2. Happy New Year! Love the pictures and I totally agree with your last line.

  3. Happy New Year to both you and Jane. I see you've been getting to grips with your night settings - the photos are great!

  4. A wonderful sunset. May I take this opportunity to thank you for your visits to my blog over the past year and for all your comments, they've been much appreciated. I've enjoyed my visits to your blog and look forward to many more interesting posts over the coming year. Hope you enjoy tonight's celebrations, and all the very best for 2012.

  5. Wow, you do have long days at this time of year! Compared to us in the north, that is.
    A happy New Year to you when it comes.

  6. Lovely skies! Wishing you a very happy New Year.

  7. I’m typing this comment very quietly just in case there have been overindulgences during the New Year celebrations...

    I had to laugh at your dedication in seizing the moment with the sunset Mark. It was truly worth all of the effort, looking at the outcome. What a fantastic display ~ who needs fireworks?

    I’m wondering how my plants are coping as the temperature here in Melbourne today is rising towards 40 degrees Celsius! Phewph....

    I wish you, Jane and all your family the very best for 2012 :D

  8. Wow Mark - beautiful pics! You could be here in Africa! Here's wishing you both a wonderful New Year.. xxx

  9. Happy New Year, Mark!

    For me 2011 has been very special as I made my first step into the world of both blogging and vegetable gardening. Thank you for all your encouraging comments on my blog. And thank you for giving us all those fabulous posts and pictures every day of the year, even when on holiday. It's been a real delight to follow your blog. Reading about the vegetables and the weather in your region was thoroughly educational for me.
    Looking forward to more beautiful pictures and posts from you in 2012.

  10. Hi Mark, wow the photos are stunning, I particularly like the third one. Wishing you all the very best for 2012, looking forward to reading about even more exciting adventures in your garden!

  11. Excellent photos Mark - I don't know how you find time to visit and comment on so many blogs - a true blogger extraordinaire. Best wishes for 2012

  12. Lovely images Mark. I hope that you and Jane have a wonderful New Year.

  13. You got some really beautiful sunset photos! Loved the series of shots...the colours change so fast!

    Have a wonderful blogging/gardening year!!

  14. Happy New Year! And it looks a lot nicer than my recollection of real Sunset Boulevard!

  15. Beautiful photos. Happy new Year!

  16. Your sunset photos are beautiful Mark! It always fascinates me to watch the sun come up/go down as each one is unique in and of itself, never to be repeated; sort of like our children :) Happy New Year, Mark! I've enjoyed sharing your blog with you this past year :)


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