
Wednesday 7 December 2011


In my garden I have a few pots of Osteospermum plants, grown from seeds I brought back from our holiday in France earlier this year. I hadn't expected any of them to flower this year, but one of them has taken advantage of the exceptionally mild Autumn to produce a single bloom.

I can see this flower from our Living-Room window, and it happened to catch my eye in the afternoon as a shaft of feeble Winter sunlight fell on it. So out I went, camera in hand, to capture the moment...

It may only be one flower, but I think it's beautiful. Next year there will hopefully be many more.

And hopefully some in different colours. Blue is nice, but not easy to do justice to in a photograph!


  1. The colour is gorgeous and you've photographed it very well. The plants will serve as a reminder of your holiday in France.

  2. What a bit of magic. The colour looks very rich, you are lucky, thank you for showing it to us.

  3. I love plants with a 'connection'. This one is pretty too!

  4. If your photo hasn't done justice to that flower I'm speechless {which is a rare thing}

    I think its exquisite. That blue is one of my favourite colours :D

  5. Very nice with the different shades of blue to almost purple color...nature never ceases to amaze.

  6. Lovely I have started some seeds off they seem to be easy to grow.

  7. What a pretty surprise in December, very lovely.

  8. Oh what a lovely flower! The blue is stunning.

  9. That's a lovely blue Mark. I grew some orange and yellow osteospernums from seed this year and am buying a packet of purples and whites next year. I haven't come across the blue colour though - pity!

  10. Spectacular singular bloom!

  11. WOW!!! can't describe it in anything other than that.

  12. Olá Mark. onde posso comprar esta flor? Eu adoro azul? Obrigado

    1. I'm sorry, but I do not know where you could buy this flower. I grew it from seeds acquired when on holiday in France.


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