
Saturday 24 December 2011

Happy Christmas!

I don't expect many people will read this post (well, at least not on the day it's published, anyway), but I just wanted to take the opportunity to formally wish my readers a Happy Christmas, and thank them for their support and interest in my blog this past year. So: "Thanks everyone; and I hope you are at home, happy, warm, comfortable, well-fed and surrounded by the people you love. Have a great time!"

We've had a chilly chilli few days here just recently, which is normal for us at Christmas-time.

I know you expect me to show you some pictures, even in a Christmas post, so what could be more appropriate than a few photos of our Christmas tree, which sits neatly in a corner of our Living Room:

Red and gold is evidently our chosen colour scheme this year, but take a closer look. What sort of decorations have we used? Not the traditional ones, that's for sure...

The lights are in the form of my beloved chilli peppers

Any many of the "baubles" are real chillis from my own garden

In my humble opinion, a magical combination, which imparts a real warm (hot??) glow!

Up at the top of the tree is this little "Angel" - a fluffy Teddy-bear with golden wings!

While behind him, hanging from the curtain rail, is this piece of painted glassware, featuring Poinsettias and Holly. When the sun shines through it this is really lovely. We've had it for many years, and these days it always hangs in the same place each Christmas.

Finally, here's a photo of the tree done in 1960s style...



  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours! Love your tree decorations and lights!

  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours, as well. I adore your original tree, such style you have!

  3. Your chili-shaped ornaments are interesting! They show how much you love chili!
    I wish you and your family a merry Christmas!

  4. I'm here too - how sad is that? I have the red cabbage braising so it smells lovely and Christmassy. Have a lovely Christmas Mark and thank you too for your contributions to my blog - your comments are always very much appreciated. I look forward to keeping up with your antics next year!

  5. Have a wonderful Christmas, Mark. Love your chili tree ornaments.

  6. Happy Christmas to you and yours Mark great to become your friend this year xx

  7. Happy Christmas Mark, love the ornaments.

  8. Your tree looks very festive. May I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year?

  9. Happy Christmas Mark
    Love the chilli lights x

  10. Happy Christmas! Have a lovely day.

  11. Ha, ha, everyone one is here. Not a lot to do on Christmas Eve except...wait! Love your Christmas tree!

  12. Wonderful post Mark. Love the chilli tree!!

  13. Merry Christmas to you and your family - you must have the "hottest" tree in England!

  14. Merry Christmas Mark. Have a wonderful day! Am loving that tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x

  15. Lovely tree, Mark! Merry Christmas to you and your family. I have enjoyed visiting your blog this year and sharing our love of cooking and gardening. Blessings to all!

  16. I love your chilli tree, it's a great idea.
    Merry merry Christmas to you Mark and to your family.
    Ellada :-)))

  17. Happy Christmas Mark - a day late but I've been determined to avoid the laptop for the past few days so that I can concentrate on other things! Chill decorations very jolly and useful! Will you string them after christmas to dry? I've got 4 chillies from a plant which reflowered in August, also plum tomatoes still growing (just) on my balcony - perhaps I should have copied your stylist tree! All the best, Caro x


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