
Monday 21 November 2011

Perfect imperfections

I know that some of you imagine my garden to be absolutely perfect. This is far from the truth. Naturally, although I try to be honest about my failures as well as my successes, the blog does tend to concentrate mainly on the good-looking things, so I thought for a change I would photograph some of the less good-looking things. Actually, once I had started on this I soon realised that there can also be beauty in imperfection. These "imperfections" offer some whole new perspectives on colour, light and form.

Golden Hop stem

Blueberry leaf
Nasturtium leaves aka slug-food!

A rather ragged Red Cabbage

Not much left on the Raspberry canes now

Golden Hop leaf

Leaf-miner bugs have found the Catalogna chicory

The roses are still blooming - but just look at that Powdery Mildew!
These Dogwood berries are definitely past their best

This picturesque little weed (?) is lurking amongst the Catalogna chicory
Cavolo Nero e Bianco??? aka the Holey of Holeys!


  1. I love the second shot, it looks as if a tiny Japanese artist has been decorating it and aren't the colours stunning? I do like imperfections.

  2. Love the mosaic of the blueberry leaf degrading.

  3. I do love how the blueberry leaves turn colour - very ornamental.

  4. Ah how consoling - despite your neatness and straight lines your garden's not perfect! :)

  5. I like the weed... and I'll bet your weeds sometimes line up :D

  6. I've always thought bugs and weeds wouldn't dare enter your garden. And I bet you had to search high and low for that leaf miner.

  7. It will be interesting to see what your little 'weed' grows into! That sounded like a Bill and Ben script. Oh dear doesn't that date me?

  8. I think we all tend to concentrate on the successes, though I'm sure we all have plenty of failures or imperfections too. The nasturtium leaves look only too familiar, slugs are the bane of my life.

  9. I like the decay, it has its own beauty.

  10. The colour of blueberry leaves in autumn is amazing, certainly a match for most ornamental plants. Although I find the leaves don't stay on the plant very long, once they have turned

  11. Beauty is found in the garden in all stages of growth. Great pictures!

  12. These are marvellous - I particularly like the shots of the Dogwood, the roses and the ragged red cabbage.

  13. Even your "imperfections" as you call them are artistic Mark. Great photo's ;D


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