
Thursday 20 October 2011

Chilli Gallery

This post is simply a collection of photos of my chillis. If you're not interested in chillis, please come back tomorrow!

Most of the chillis have ripened now. These were all photographed on a day of bright Autumn sunlight.

Pinocchio's Nose

A medley

Fuego F1

Cherry Bomb

Hot Portugal


Pinocchio's Nose

"Long Medium" (Determined to defy its nickname)

Pinocchio's Nose

Another medley

I know you all think I'm obsessed with chillis. You're not far wrong. As a matter of fact I'm not able to eat many of them because they affect my digestion quite badly, but I do love them for their ornamental value as well!


  1. I love the photos Mark - just not the chillies

  2. They always photograph well Mark - although I don't know where Pinocchio got to!

  3. Great pictures Mark. I've quite a few red chillis on my 'unknown' plant now but I have no idea what to do with them. What is the best way to store them? Do I need to dry them or can I just put them straight in oil?

  4. Alison; Chillis dry well, but they also freeze well. I published a post a couple of days ago about making chilli oil, so maybe you should consult that?

  5. I am not that keen on the way chillies taste...but love the way they look. Great pics.

  6. Love the chilies! The serrano look much stubbier that the ones here.

  7. I am not too fond of chillies, in part because my childhood was spent in a place where almost all food was overspiced with chillies. Yet, I love all your chilly pictures. They're just fabulous. Haven't ever seen anything like the Pinocchio's Nose.

  8. We don't use chilies much in cooking so I don't grow them, though I have done in the past for their ornamental value, there's so many varieties which look so different from each other.

  9. Loved the pics! Thanks for commenting on my blog...Am now collecting rusty nails for my hydrangeas!! Not a big chilli fan but like to put them in fancy bottles of olive oil for Xmas gifts!!! lol x

  10. Hello again! Mark, I'd love to post the Weather Station on my blog as you have. Can you tell me how to do it please??? lol x

  11. A good selection of Chillies there Mark, I love them.

  12. Fits the 'Fall" theme Mark. Our chili seeds has just started to germinate when yours are ripe for picking.

  13. Lovely chillies Mark, I'm sorry you aren't able to enjoy them in meals much.


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