
Wednesday 3 August 2011

Further studies in Light and Shade II

Some more offerings on the "Light and Shade" theme...(you know it's a favourite of mine!)

Apart from a few captions, I'm not writing any words for this post. I think the photos speak for themselves.

See - we DO get blue skies in England sometimes! - Golden Hop



Lettuce "Delicato"



Cherry Tomato "Maskotka"

Swiss Chard

Tomatoes and Blueberries



  1. What amazing photographs. A very nice set, and you have some very nice plants to photograph.

    Thank you for coming by my blog the other day. the UK veg gardening community have been so welcoming so far.
    Looking through your posts you seem to be a lot further on with some of your veg than me, but that could be due to me kind of ignoring mine during my dissertation rush.

    Thanks for the heads up about blotanical I ahve already headed over there but havent really got my teeth stuck into it yet as I didnt have the time. Will have to start using it properly soon.


  2. Hehe yes I use Picasa to organise my photos on my computer and edit them too sometimes. And I used web albums a lot for my other blog as it was quite picture heavy.
    I use picnic on my work comp as it is light weight and I haven't quite got a handle on gimp yet which is what my sister uses at work.

    I edited the picture in Picture Manager on my computer and it was correct there, but showed up wrong when I imported it to Blogger.
    Are you saying that Picnic can alter it once blogger has it or just before importing?

  3. Pippa; The sequence I use is: upload the photo to Picasa. Use Picnik to edit (rotate?!) as required and store in the album - and save a copy locally to computer hard disk. Then go to blogger and load from the album. I found that if you load to blogger directly from your computer you get many more problems - and anyway I use so many photos I soon hit the limit of 1000 photos per blog.

  4. Didn't realise that Blogger only allows 1000 pics per blog. Had wanted to know how you manage all those photos. Now I know.

    I'd pick The Golden Hop, the Cherry Tomato "Maskotka" and the Tomatoes and Blueberries pictures as the best. But they're all brilliant.

  5. Have you every had a photo printed onto canvas mark - we have a couple in our bedroom

  6. Beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing.

  7. No goat shadow this time ;-). Hmmm...I guess some of the photo in my recent post have the same theme as yours. But your photos are more artisticly captured and a brilliant work.

  8. You are certainly having a lot of fun with your camera Mark! I particularly like the first and third shots.


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