
Thursday 28 April 2011

Potatoes - a progress report

My potato plants are growing very quickly in the warm weather. I have some of them in my plastic "Seedling Greenhouse" thing, which I close at night-time and open during the day.

Actually, I don't really think the protection has been necessary this year. Usually the weather in April is cold, wet and windy, with frequent frosts, but this year it has been completely different. Anyway, the acquisition of the Seedling Greenhouse was done according to what I call the "Umbrella Principle" - which states that if you carry an umbrella it seldom rains!

The individual potato plants are looking strong and healthy.You will see from the photo above that some of the plants are bigger than others. This is not just erratic growth; it is because I have plants of seven different varieties (3 of each - in a total of 21 tubs). In retrospect, I suppose I should have labelled them, but I didn't, so I don't know which is which.

Some of the plants are quite small still.

Others are already tall.

Many of the plants have benefitted from a bit of extra attention from my little helper Lara, who just loves watering everything in sight (herself included)...

I have earthed-up the plants twice so far. [Earthing-up involves adding more compost / soil in order to bury as much as possible of the plant stems, from which the tubers will eventually grow.] I will need to do it once more I think, aiming to bring the level of compost right up to the rim of the tubs.

Six of my seven varieties are Earlies (the seventh is "Pink Fir Apple", an early Maincrop). Earlies are normally ready about 3 months after planting, so I am expecting them to be ready towards the end of June. I'm sure Lara will want to help me dig them up!


  1. What a shame you got them muddled (exactly what I do - I always resolve to keep track but . . . then . . .

    The tubers of Fir Apples are distinctive to look at . . . but how will you know till you dig them up?

    All looks very healthy but I was expecting the tubs to be deeper.


  2. Our bagged potatoes are growing quickly too - they are in our greenhouse but as you say would have probably been fine outside at least this month! But you never know frost make catch us unawares.

  3. I love pink fir apple although not growing any this year due to lack of space and I like your seedling greenhouses. I nearly bought some but I thought they might blow away. It can be windy here close to the beach.

  4. Love the "Gardener in Training", bet she'll love eating those potatoes too!

  5. How big are your pots. I will be excited to see how well these do for you. I wanted to try this this year but just never got to it.

  6. I think you've already mentioned this in another post, but how many potatoes are you expecting per tub?

  7. I cant wait to get some potatoes growing I will have to get some containers

  8. Your potatoes are great but that little fairy in the garden is your best produce by far...what a wonderful cheeky smile.

  9. Becky / Ali: The tubs are of various types, many of them re-cycled 7.5kg Pelleted Chicken Manure tubs and "florists buckets". They are mostly 10" wide and 10" tall. I expect each one to produce enough potatoes for a 2-person helping - maybe 500g?

  10. Too cute, now that little girl has got a future... reminds me of a lil petite Sarah Raven. Have you been down to Asda too those pots look familiar;-). Got my partner to ask Asda for some of their florists tubs and they were most obliging goes to show they do save you money every day!!!

  11. Argghh: the labelling problem. It's so easy to overlook! As well as not getting around to labelling some plants some of mine have been washed out either by sun or water.

  12. Adorable garden helper! You just have help me decide to plant potato in one of the empty pots that I have just cleared today. They look nice and just a few months you have some fresh potatoes.


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