
Saturday 12 February 2011

Iris Reticulata (2)

Some more of my Iris Reticulata are flowering now. I photographed some of them in the rain we had on Friday, and some in the sunshine on Saturday. I think you will agree with me that the raindrops on the flowers in some of the pictures do lend the photos a new and attractive dimension.

This one is a bright blue colour:

It has yellow patches at the end of each petal:

This one is a much paler blue:

It has white patches, and a dark blue splash at the end of the petals:

This one is the purple one which I have shown before:

Here's a closeup of the tip of one of the petals:

Another purple flower of a different variety has opened today:

The tips of the petals on this one don't have any yellow:

At present there is only one flower of each of the varieties open, so it's hardly an overwhelming display, but I think that individually the blooms are quite stunningly beautiful. If only I had about twelve of each...

Unfortunately I do not remember the names of any of them! (does anyone know?)


  1. Beautiful photos, wonderful colour. The rain does something special.

  2. Lovely! Iris reticulata are one of the first to bloom in my garden...and the rain is very beautiful on yours. Alas, I don't know the names though!

  3. The colors are amazing. Bravo for the nice photo.

  4. Oh, I love the Iris of my favorite Spring flowers! Beautiful the raindrops.

  5. Stunning photos of beautiful subjects!

  6. They are gorgeous Mark - I'd love some but I seem to have trouble getting them to flower - they just seem to disappear after I have planted them

  7. Beautiful photos, I especially love the first blue and last purple ones.
    And thank you Mark for the advice on putting together frames, I'll be off to the hardware store to find some brackets!

  8. That's a lovely collection Mark, and with such clear photos someone out there should be able to help you identify them. You could also try a google image search? My personal favourite is the purples on without the yellow, very stylish.

  9. Lovely images, Mark.
    I'm awaiting the blooms on my tiny Pacific Coast irises, a native species. They should be flowering soon, although this week it will be colder and wet. Not a bad thing, as we need rain.

  10. Lovely colors, it is so pretty with the rain drops on them. I don't know the names for them, sorry!


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