Sunday 14 November 2010

Zoom, Zoom!

What better to do on a wet Sunday afternoon in November than to sit with half an eye on the final of the F1 Grand Prix season whilst having a play with some newly-discovered photo-editing software...?

The software in question is simply the editing suite that came with my Epson printer, but nonetheless it has loads of useful functionality and it will enable me to "push the boundaries a bit further" in respect of my photography skills. What I have done this afternoon is to zoom in on a few of my photos and / or cut out the less interesting parts in order to emphasise the good bits. I'm quite pleased with the result, so I'm going to inflict on you a small collection of my handiwork. Just pictures from here on in... [Don't forget that you can double-click to make the image even bigger.]

Raspberry "Autumn Bliss"


Rose "Sunset Boulevard"

Curly Endive

Plum "Victoria"


French Marigold


Dogwood berries

Raindrops on Cotinus leaf


My garden companion

Powerhouses of the compost-bin

Monarch of the Basingstoke canal

These fungi were just an inch or so tall

Flowers on a type of moss

Cauliflower fungus

Autumn Cherry blossom


  1. Wow! What fun this is! Your close ups are wonderful!

  2. Ha, yes, the Grand Prix ... that was on in our house too. All that zoom, zoom, zoom gives me a headache!

  3. Wow, they look like professional photography. Well done! I have a photo editing software on my computer but I haven't managed to do what you have. I mostly get fuzziness.

  4. Kelli; you must persevere, because the result will make it worthwhile. With me it's pretty much trial-and-error, but it seems to work most of the time. And of course you never get to see all the rubbish photos that I delete soon after taking them!

  5. Really nice photos! I like the calendulas the best

  6. You do realise that, having discovered this, all other tasks will go out the window?! Bet you'll have even more fun when you get your new camera. Do you have Photoshop Elements? If not, I can thoroughly recommend it, loads of cool tools and you can open and edit .RAW format too.

  7. Hmmm, yes you're right Janet, but it keeps me out of mischief. Haven't yet discovered the.RAW format. What does it have to offer?

  8. Close ups are very nice. Raspberry and calendula pics are truly stunning.


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