
Friday 12 November 2010

Onion Marmalade

Jane has made some onion jam, using Rachel Allen's recipe, available from the Waitrose website. Here's a link to it:'s_Onion_jam.aspx

We actually call this stuff onion marmalade, but hey, what's in a name? It's brilliant with grilled sausages, cheddar cheese, bubble-and-squeak, paté on toast, or cold meats such as ham or turkey.

The recipe says to use red onions, but actually you can use whatever type you have available. The addition of the wine and the balsamic vinegar will ensure that the jam takes on a good deep colour. Jane used "ordinary" onions from a 5kg bag she recently bought at Asda for just £1.

This is what the finished article looks like -- thick, dark, gooey, unctuous!

Onion jam

As for taste, how can I describe it? Rich, savoury, almost salty, very "umami".

That re-used label could be the making of a nasty surprise...

Actually, come to think of it, the onion jam might actually be nice spread on toast, but perhaps not at breakfast time!

With all these preserves and things (tomato chutney, pickled red cabbage, onion jam etc) being made, we're running out of two things now -- jam-jars, and space!


  1. Interesting. I might have a go at this.

  2. I like it but will have to find a recipe that uses our measures and doesn't use wine as we never have wine, to drink or to cook with.

  3. Hi Becky; I think that this recipe would work fine without wine. Just use some other liquid -- maybe grape juice?

  4. That looks delicious! I love onion marmalade (I'm with you on the name) and the recipe looks so easy, definitely one to try.

    Have you tried wine-making yet? A great way to preserve fruit ;) I made elderberry wine a few years ago (was like a rich sherry) and I know someone who makes rhubarb wine. If you're into preserving its definitely something to have a go at.

  5. That literally made my mouth water... I often slow cook red onions with a little balsamic to go with sausages or in burgers. I always hope there will be extra left over to have cold in sandwiches. This looks even better - I shall look out for red onion bargains and experiment! Thanks for the link!

  6. I've planted 100 onions and hope they can be harvested next spring. I like to try the recipe. I'm surprised with you who know the taste of "Umami"! That comes from Japanese dishes, I believe. What kind of dishes can you feel umami in around you?

  7. Takaeko, the most obvious Umami food for me is Marmite (also probably Vegemite!)

  8. I have never tried onion marmalade. It would be a very interesting flavor and texture for cooking. thanks for the tip

  9. Hi Sarah; re the wine-making: I've never tried it, but some of my family members have, with some "mixed" results. My Father-in-law used to make wine with his home-grown grapes, but even by his own admission it was only ever fit for cooking, and an uncle of mine once made some parsnip wine, about which the less said the better...

  10. mmm, i love red onion marmalade. Good job Jane :o)


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