
Sunday 7 November 2010


A couple of weeks ago I photographed a fine Mallard drake swimming in the Basingstoke Canal, just near where I live.

One of my blogging friends, Egretta Wells of Florida, USA, whose blog is saw the photo on my blog and asked me for permission to recreate it as a painting in her own very distinctive style. Of course I agreed, and she has now completed her painting -- a 10" x 8" acrylic on stretched canvas.She called it "Majestic Mallard".

I think you will agree that she has captured very accurately the essence of my photo and of the beautiful bird. I love the way she has reproduced the swirls in the water. If you like this picture, you should visit her blog and take a look at some of Egretta's other work. She is a very prolific artist and creates a new painting every couple of days I think!

Egretta also has another blog in which she writes about food and craft. Go have a look!


  1. Very very nice. I wish I could paint that well. We have been trying to learn.

  2. I am always amazed when I see well painted water....and glass. So clever!

  3. Lovely painting, well captured indeed.

  4. Mark, thank you for posting my painting and for allowing me to use your brilliant photograph.!


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