
Friday 5 November 2010

Introducing another family member

 My brother Paul lives very close to me -- about 200 yards away. He and I often confer on gardening matters, and we keep an eye on each other's plants when one of us is away on holiday. Here's a picture of us both together, earlier this year... (me on the left)

Paul's garden is currently largely ornamental. He doesn't usually grow any veg, just a few things like currants, but perhaps one day I will convert him!

This week Paul sent me some photos of some of his plants. The first photo I want to share with you is a stunning display of berries from a type of Iris. He tells me these are very prolific, self-seeding all over his garden. They have fairly pale, blue flowers. I think you will agree that the berries are very impressive to look at. Anyone know the proper name for this variety?

Paul also has a Crab Apple tree in his garden. It's a different variety to the one I have, and he says the apples it produces are very small (about the size of grapes) and he has not been tempted to try eating them. Perhaps he should have a go with Jane's recipe for Crab Apple jelly (see my post of 16 August 2010)! The Autumn foliage on all the the trees in our area has been spectacular this year, and Paul's Crab Apple is no exception.

Paul isn't (yet) into blogging, but I hope from time to time to be able to show you some pictures of his gardening endeavours.


  1. Congrats on your 3,500+ blog hits, great to hear. I believe you've an artist after some of your photos as well! Keep up the great work.

  2. What handsome...plants. :-) I am going to blog about my crab apples tomorrow...but mine are flowering.

  3. Wow, already pass 3,500 hits? That's a great! Nice to know your brother Paul and his plants. I do not know the name of the berry plant but it look likes those auspicious plastic flowers we buy here to decorate our home. I am curious to know its name too.

  4. Thanks everyone for boosting my figures! It's great to correspond with you. Some of you who are bloggers yourselves might like to visit the WIKIO site which gives easy access to lots of other gardening blogs -- follow the link to WIKIO in the new gadget in my sidebar...


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