
Tuesday 9 November 2010

Autumn leaf gallery

I'm making a retrospective addition to the blogpost, just so that I can justifiably enter it for the Fall Color Project on the website "Growing The Home Garden" -- here's a link


I've had a lot of fun this year with photographing the Autumn foliage. I only took up photography in August, and I have to say that it has given me a new perspective on plants, wildlife, scenery -- the world in general. I stop to look at things a lot more now, and I'm always sizing things up to see if they would make a good photo. Here for your amusement is a small collection of photos of Autumn foliage...

Sweet Chestnut leaves
The Cotinus leaves seem different every time you look at them!
Cotinus again...
More Cotinus!
Leaf litter - mostly Bronze Maple
Leaf litter - mostly Cherry

Horse Chestnut and Mountain Ash

Isn't it ironic that leaves are sometimes at their most beautiful just before they die?


  1. What beautiful photos you have here! I love the last one particularly. Rowan berries look great at this time of year don't they?

  2. Mark, I am fortunate to have a brother in law who is an artist. I feel like he has trained my eye to see all manner of things over the years that I would otherwise over looked. It always amazes me how little people actually 'see'. Having to find photos for my blog has motivated me to look closely at my garden too. Thanks for your great pics.

  3. Mark, Hazel is so right; an artist sees every nuance, every shape or glint of light, probably born with the ability to really "see" things. However others have the ability to "see", too and a good way to develop it is with photography. I think your photos are surperb. I especially like the first one in this group, the chestnut leaves. What is the background? At first I thought water---I don't know, but the lines (that look like swirls) contrast beautifully with the crisp shape of the leaves... and then the color contrast---it has the WoW factor!

  4. Beautiful photos! I am considering if I should get a blueberry too. I think is worth the investment

  5. PS Me again - have you thought about adding these to the <a href=">Fall Colour Project</a>?

  6. Ahh, looks like my PS "took" when my main comment didn't! I said something along the lines of, beautiful photos, keep snapping! Particularly like the asparagus, as it is a little out of the ordinary. A feathery golden waterfall!

  7. I strongly agree with you who think leaves are at most beautiful just before they die. The idea is same with the mind of our Japanese people who believe Sakura flowers (cherry blossom) are most beautiful just before the petals go with wind in spring!

  8. Thanks to everyone for the flattering comments! I still see myself as being primarily a gardener who blogs, and therefore needs to take photos with which to illustrate blogposts, rather than a photographer who gardens, but I am taking to this photography thing "like a duck to water" as they say. (Egretta will certainly see the significance of this statement!) BTW, the background to the Chestnut leaves pic is something really mundane -- the lid of my water-butt!

  9. What beautiful leafy photos. The colours and details are amazing aren't they? Just a other reason to show why autumn is the best season and my favourite :)

  10. Hi Fer; You MUST get a blueberry plant. Doesn't take up much space - grows successfully in a pot - produces healthy, delicious fruit, followed by spectacular foliage.

  11. Hi Takaeko; I would love to visit Japan at Cherry Blossom time. I hope you will take lots of photos for us next Spring...

  12. How beautiful. I really miss my garden - am now living in a flat, and am about 100th on the waiting list for an allotment. Sigh. I shall just have to enjoy your garden instead :)

  13. Great pics; I really enjoy your photography!

  14. Hi Mark. great photographs - I agree with you about the Cotinus, both the green and the red var. looked wonderful this autumn. I found your blog via the Sticky Fingers gallery, and it's very lovely. I'll have to pop back.

  15. That asparagus shot is beautiful. We have it on our allotment but it certainly doesn't look a bit like that at the moment!

  16. Hi Mark! Thanks for joining in. I got your email but want to apologize for not replying. My computer has been infected with a nasty Russian Trojan virus and I don't want to pass that on via email to anyone. I'll have a post up in the morning (US Central time). Your fall colors are gorgeous BTW. The blueberry is stunning and of course the Smoke tree is awesome too. Do you know what variety it is? We have 'Grace' here but she keeps getting nibbled on by deer!


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