
Wednesday 10 November 2010

Autumn blogs...

My recent posts have been (unsurprisingly) heavily weighted towards the Autumn Colours theme, haven't they? The Autumn leaf gallery has been particularly popular with my readers.

I just wanted to make you aware of a couple of other websites / blogs on which there are some lovely Autumn (or Fall, if you prefer) pictures, which I think you should see. You can also display your own photos for others to admire.



  1. Useful info. It will be great to see your Autumn pics featured more widely and to see other colourful photos as well. Can't get enough of Autumn really.

  2. I think I may have addictive tendencies. I was high on Autumn colour in 'Fall' and developed a camellia dependency in Winter. Now I have definitely overdosed on Spring. I wonder if Summer will be my rehab? I doubt it, I think I will be gorging both my eyes and tummy on vegetables and more vegetables!

  3. Thanks for the links...I put up a Spring link...just for variety.

  4. Aussies are always unconventional... Although, to be fair, why should we NOT say that it's Spring now, not Autumn?


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