
Wednesday 13 October 2010

Sunshine, leaves and grass

This post is simply a picture of some normally very un-photogenic grass at the front of our house, but a picture that I think demonstrates how something mundane can sometimes be really beautiful.  I was standing at the kitchen sink, doing some washing-up and I just noticed how the light was falling on the grass at the base of our crab-apple tree in a rather mellow Autumny way...

Sunshine on leaves on grass

To really appreciate this picture you MUST view it in the largest size your computer can manage. Click the image to expand it...

Note to self: I really should get round to removing this little patch of grass. It is the only remaining piece of grass in my garden, and it is so small that it hardly justifies keeping a lawn-mower -- hence it doesn't get mowed very often and does look somewhat scruffy! My plan is to replace it with shingle, like the back garden, if ever time, available finance and enthusiasm happen to coincide...

This one, taken a bit later, is also in the same sort of genre - contrasts in colour, light and shade...

Light and shade in the shrubbery

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