
Saturday 11 September 2010

Today's harvest

It's rainy here in Fleet today, and more rain is forecast, so I have picked most of the remaining tomatoes before they split. Some of them are still under-ripe but they will ripen quickly enough indoors. Also managed to find a fair few beans -- mostly Runners -- and three cucumbers. And the tomatillos keep on going too; they are amazingly prolific.

A mixed harvest -- beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, tomatillos


  1. Geoff - Drive through dirt fan11 September 2010 at 12:31

    Hi Mark

    What to do with tomatillos?

    We used them for a salsa verdi

  2. Hi Geoff; You can use them like cooking tomatoes, in Mexican-style stews etc. See for instance my earlier post called "The Three Amigos"...


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